Friday, February 20, 2009

Green Leaf Tea

Troubled Mind

Shattered Ice

I really miss the springlike weather we had last week. The ice in my driveway was
cracked from driven over, but now it's covered with snow again!
They say the end of winter is the hardest to bear. I totally agree!

Interesting Shadow

One from my neighborhood on a warm and sunny afternoon.

3 more to go.

An image of a nalgene bottle I've been carrying with me when I hike in the Adirondack high peaks. I started to get into hiking in the spring of 2005, climbed 43 out of the 46 high peaks that are over 4000 feet, and I'd really like to finish all of them this year. Not that they are going anywhere, but I just like to be in the woods.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Your Necessities

A knife and a cell phone. Those two things can save you in an emergency situation. Hahaha!
This knife was actually forged by my husband, who has a thing about Finland right now, as you can see, it still needs to be completed.

Down In The Basement

Can you guess what this is? It's in the dark, has a pattern, smooth on the outside...

OK, here is the whole picture.

ring 2

Zen Winter

It is finally getting ever slightly warm in upstate NY. Melting snow on the roof splashed in a puddle on the ground, pushing the crusty edge of the ice.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Ghosts In The Halway

Using a tripod in my halway, I created ghostly images of me and my dog. I have to try shooting with multi-exposure function again, for some reason, it didn't seem to work today.

About Me

My photo
I have settled in the Adirondacks for my life.
