Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Microscopic view of chick embryo

I was always fascinated by what things look like through a microscope. Nikon Small World, a website I've found through The New York Times has lords of images by the world's best photomicrographers. I didn't even know the word 'photomicrographer' existed..., that is such a neat sounding word, though.
One thing I've noticed through my photography hobby is that I really like taking macro or close-up shots. Things look very different when you get down on your knees, elbows or stomach. Microscopic views are whole other level of how you see things, and some of the images are astonishingly beautiful. I imagined myself working in a lab and really enjoying it, but I could never get the job done.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a great shot.

    Since I bought a new camera that has macro capabilities, I've been discovering how much I enjoy macro photography as well. Microscopic photography is an entire different level though!


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I have settled in the Adirondacks for my life.
