Saturday, August 15, 2009

My tomatoes are doing awesome!

I kept hearing that growing tomatoes could be challenging in the Adirondacks, but it turned out to be otherwise. Three years ago when I first started my garden, I had no experience growing not only tomaoes but any other vegetables, and that year my tomatoes were eaten by the hungry deer at the early stage. I was sooo mad. I did get fruits on my plants before they were gone, though.

It's my third year growing them, and they are exploding. Still green but the plants are getting fuller and fuller everyday.

morton f1


cherry tomatoes


  1. Whoo! You go, girl! ^_^ I should try my hand at horticulture sometime.

  2. Yeah you should, it's surprisingly therapeutic.
    Then again, the plants do most of the work once they germinate. hehe


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I have settled in the Adirondacks for my life.
