Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Vacation at SUNY

I always had a lot of fun visiting the places I used to live, so we decided to go back to see the school my husband and I went to 10 years ago for the weekend. It was funny but we only saw a handful of students on campus; being there during the summer and late in the afternoon, we almost had the whole school to ourselves. It sure felt like it. I love walking around in an enormous empty building!

The city itself is not a very common destination for vacation for most people, but for us it was definitely cool to be there. Away from nature, patched up roads, powerlines hanging low, those kinds of stuff are refleshing sometimes. Not much has changed after 10 years amazingly; bars, bookstore, record shop, chinese restaurant we used to go to were still in business.

It was raining on and off, and we planned to crash in a hotel to have a nice sushi take-out for the night, so I didn't take any night shots which I would like to someday, but here are my vacation photos!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize that Flicker could do slideshows like this. Pretty cool. Lovin' that Grimm sign, too. :-)


About Me

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I have settled in the Adirondacks for my life.
